Hello, iam Sheryl Shaw, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Well, if you’re wondering if there are Croatians in Bosnia, the answer is a definite yes! In fact, Croats make up one of the three main ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Wow - talk about a melting pot! It’s no wonder that Bosnians have such a rich culture and history. From their unique language to their traditional cuisine, it’s clear that Croatians have had an impact on this beautiful country. So if you’re looking for some Croatian flavor in Bosnia, you won’t be disappointed!

Warum Gibt Es Kroaten In Bosnien? [Solved]

Wegen des Bosnienkriegs und der damit verbundenen ethnischen Säuberungen leben heute die meisten Kroaten in der Bosniakisch-Kroatischen Föderation, einer der beiden Entitäten von Bosnien und Herzegowina. Wow, das ist schon ziemlich traurig.

Yeah, there are Croatians in Bosnia - it’s a pretty common thing. In fact, they make up a big chunk of the population there. You’ll find ’em all over the place!