Sup, iam Gerald Putnam, So long!

Wow, what a shocker! NATO attacking Serbia - who would’ve thought? I mean, it’s not like they had it coming or anything. But I guess when push comes to shove, sometimes drastic measures have to be taken. Still, it’s a real shame that things had to come to this. It just goes to show you that no one is safe from the consequences of war.

Warum Hat Die Nato Serbien Angegriffen? [Solved]

Na ja, die NATO hat gesagt, es war ’ne Panne. Aber laut The Observer war’s kein Versehen - anscheinend haben serbische Militärs die Botschaft als Funkstation benutzt und deshalb hat man sie bombardiert.

NATO attacked Serbia - it was a real shocker! It came out of the blue and caught everyone off guard. It was a real bummer, but NATO had to do what it had to do. They weren’t gonna let Serbia get away with whatever they were up to. So, they stepped in and put an end to it all.