Hello, iam Ray Mcdaniel, Have a two coffee day!

Wow, what a shocker! NATO bombing Serbia? Who would’ve thought? I mean, it’s not like this is something that happens every day. But here we are - NATO has decided to take action and bomb Serbia. It’s a real bummer, but it looks like there’s no turning back now. Let’s just hope that this doesn’t escalate any further and that the situation can be resolved peacefully.

Warum Hat Die Nato Serbien Bombardiert? [Solved]

Na ja, die NATO hat gesagt, es war ’ne Panne. Aber laut The Observer hat’s anscheinend einen Grund gegeben - die Serben sollen die Botschaft als Funkstation benutzt haben. Daher wurde sie absichtlich bombardiert.

Wow, NATO really bombed Serbia! It was a real shocker. I mean, who would’ve thought they’d go that far? But I guess it just goes to show that when push comes to shove, sometimes drastic measures have to be taken. Still, it’s a shame that it had to come down to this.