Sup, iam Patricia Farness, May your day be joyful.

Ah, deja vu - that feeling like you’ve been somewhere or experienced something before. It’s a French phrase meaning “already seen,” and it comes from the Latin phrase “deja vistum,” which literally translates to “already seen.” So if you ever get that eerie feeling of familiarity, don’t worry - it’s just deja vu!

What Does Deja Vu Mean In Latin? [Solved]

Wow, talk about déjà vu! That phrase we use all the time actually comes from French - who knew? Vu is the past participle of voir, which means “to see” in French and is related to Latin videre. So when we say déjà vu, it’s like saying “already seen”. Pretty cool!

Deja vu is a French phrase meaning “already seen” in Latin. It’s the feeling of having experienced something before, even though you know you haven’t. It’s like déjà vu all over again!