Hola, iam Marvin Robbins, Have a pleasant day.

Whoa, ending Better Saul Mean was a real eye-opener! It really made me think about how I can make my life better. From the get-go, it was clear that this program was going to be different. It had a unique approach to helping people improve their lives and it really hit home for me. With its mix of practical advice and inspiring stories, I felt like I could actually make a difference in my life. Plus, the fact that it’s free makes it even more appealing! All in all, this program is definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for ways to make your life better.

What Does The Ending Of Better Call Saul Mean? [Solved]

Well, after taking the oath, Saul totally changed his tune and owned up to all the shady stuff he’d done with Walt. He was almost bragging about how Walt wouldn’t have been able to pull off his drug empire without him. And then he dropped a bombshell - that he had sabotaged his brother Chuck’s career, which ultimately led to him taking his own life. Yikes!

Better late than never, right? Saul had a mean streak, but he finally realized that it was time to end it. He’s been working on being nicer and more understanding of others, and it’s really paid off! Everyone can see the difference in him now - he’s a changed man.