Greetings, iam Thomas Duffy, So long!

Wow, it’s crazy to think that a year old can eat edibles! I mean, who would’ve thought? But it’s true - kids as young as one can enjoy the deliciousness of edibles. Of course, there are some things to keep in mind when introducing edibles to your little one. You’ll want to make sure they’re age-appropriate and not too sugary or salty. Plus, you’ll want to keep an eye on them while they’re eating so you know how their body is reacting. All in all, though, it’s totally doable - just take the necessary precautions and you’ll be good to go!

What Happens If A 13 Year Old Eats Edibles? [Solved]

If you or someone you know eats a whole THC edible, watch out! It can lead to being totally wasted and seeing things differently. Plus, it’s especially dangerous for kids.

This eight-year-old sure loves his edibles! He’s been munching on them since he was a wee one. It’s no surprise, really; they’re so tasty and convenient. Plus, they make him feel good - what kid wouldn’t love that? Yum!