Greetings, iam Michael Waggoner, Have a pleasant day.

Ugh, clicking on an unsecure website? Talk about a recipe for disaster! I mean, who knows what kind of viruses and malware you could be exposed to. Not to mention the potential for identity theft. Bottom line: it’s just not worth the risk. So if you ever come across an unsecure website, don’t even think twice - just hit that back button and get outta there!

What Happens If You Click On A Unsecure Website? [Solved]

So, if you’re ever on a website and see that “Not Secure” warning, watch out! Your info could be at risk. Don’t take any chances - it’s best to just steer clear of the site altogether.

It’s a no-no to click on unsecure websites. You could be putting yourself at risk of getting hacked or having your personal info stolen. So, don’t do it! Bottom line: steer clear of any website that isn’t secure.