Hello, iam Ruth Johnston, You have yourself a good one!

Ah, 22 military time - it can be a bit confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a piece of cake! It’s just like regular time, except that instead of using 12-hour cycles with AM and PM, military time uses 24-hour cycles. So instead of saying “10 o’clock in the morning,” you’d say “1000 hours.” Pretty cool, right? And don’t worry if you slip up - everyone does at first. Just remember to take it one step at a time and soon enough you’ll be telling time like a pro!

What Is 22 In Military Time? [Solved]

At 10 o’clock PM, it’s 22:00 on the 24-hour clock. That’s the system used around the world, not just in the military. It’s different from what we’re used to in English-speaking countries, which is the 12-hour AM/PM system.

Military time is a way of telling time that’s used by the military and other organizations. It’s based on a 24-hour clock, so instead of saying “2 o’clock,” you’d say “1400 hours.” It’s also known as “24-hour time” or “zero-hundred hours.” So if it’s 10 PM, it would be written as 2200 hours. Pretty cool, huh?